Friday, June 28, 2013

Passing Gas in Class

We all have to do it.  It's a part of life.  I also get that, historically, boys think this is hilarious.  Maybe some girls do, too.  As for me, I think there is a time and place for it.  And maybe this time is not 15 minutes into the silent reading period.  I am currently teaching a Fantasy Fiction class (sounds cool, huh?).  We have been reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire since last Tuesday, so everyone is probably at a critical spot in the book.  The room is completely silent when someone just rips one.  Not quiet, not subtle, just right out there for everyone.  Fortunately, no one acknowledged it because I am thinking, "Great, how am I going to deal with this.  I don't really know these kids, so how will they handle this?"  Anyway, unsure of who the offender was, we just continued reading.  Later, we left the classroom and were walking down the stairs to go outside when, lo and behold, the girl in front of me lets one go.  Yep, you read that right, the GIRL in front of me.  Again, I get that it's a part of life, but in the middle of a crowd?  Not cool, girl.  Not cool. 

First Post Ever

Well, I have finally done it!  I am officially a blogger.  What worries me is that I will either become addicted to this or never do this.  What if I actually have people that follow this blog, but I suddenly stop posting on it?  Not that this is likely to happen, or that I will become so important as a blogger that people will stop their lives waiting on my next post, but you get the idea.  Anyway, on to more important things.  I am a middle school Social Studies teacher, which, of course, means that I am on summer break, right?  Nope!  I am ending the fourth of eight weeks of summer school.  I signed up to be a teacher for the time off (Disclaimer:  this is not why I stay a teacher, but more on that in another post), and here I am spending most of my summer in a classroom.  Why? you ask.  Because it's fun!  It gives me the chance to add to my repertoire for my everyday classroom.  Students do funny things.  It gives me new stories to share.  There are any number of reasons that I will likely share about in future posts.  I hope to use this blog to share my thoughts, amuse any of you who take the time to read this, and give myself an outlet to write. Welcome to my blog; I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!