Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Acronyms are getting Ridiculous

Two things to talk about today.  The first is acronyms.  You know, the words where each letter is the start of a new word.  I am here to tell you that they are getting out of hand.  People just take an idea that they like and make it fit into something they perceive as catchy.  And it is ridiculous.  This comes to my mind because of a training I am in at school.  The program uses something called the EXCEL model.  E is Engage.  Okay, I am there so far.  X is X-plore.  Now I'm lost.  This is not a real word.  The real one starts with the letter E.  You can't just change words to suit you.  What if I did that in my class at school?  "Okay kids, I don't like the fact that Casanova starts with a "C" so we're going to drop that.  From now on, we will call it Asanova."  Probably not a good look for the classroom.  My other favorite one is the USA Patriot Act.  Did you even know that it was an acronym?  Here it is: Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism.  WHAT?!?!  Why not just call it the Stop Terrorism Law, or the Anti-Terrorism Law?  It's just getting out of hand.  We have a gifted program at our school.  6th grade is INSIGHTS; 7th and 8th grade is LAUNCH.  They are both acronyms.  Not a clue what each letter stands for.  Please don't get me wrong, they are both great programs with great teachers, and if any of the gifted teachers read this blog, I don't have a problem with it.  I just think it's weird; that's all I'm saying.  Maybe I am hating on acronyms because I am not creative enough to make them up on my own.  Feel free to comment with your favorite acronyms!  Be sure to check back tomorrow for my words on grading papers and distractions! 

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