Monday, July 1, 2013

Candy Is Taking Over My Life

It's Monday.  Blah...  So on to more interesting things.  Today, I will be straying from the happenings of the classroom into the world of random but relatable.  I suppose this is because there hasn't been anything terribly interesting in the classroom.  What, then, was worth writing about today?  Candy Crush.  This app is slowly taking over my life.  I'm not sure if it is the idea of strategically moving candy around a board to make the best move, striving to connect enough candy to get an even better piece of candy, or the bright colors and explosions.  I realize that Candy Crush is not the most manly of games, but the heart wants what the heart wants.  The game is equally entertaining and frustrating.  I have only reached level 50 something where the evil chocolate blocks have begun to cover my beloved jelly beans, jaw breakers, and green squarish delights whose name I know not.  I have spent countless hours working those pieces over to get to this milestone just to be thwarted by the hated limit of only 5 precious candy lives.  And what has the app done to ensure my continued devotion?  It has graciously offered to start sending me a message when my lives have fully regenerated!  Don't mind if I do!  Now, it doesn't matter where I am; as long as my trusty phone is by my side, I will always know when the candy is beckoning.  With that in mind, I feel the vibration letting me know that I have, once again, attained the necessary equipment to renew my assault on the cursed chocolate.  So dear reader, enjoy your Monday, and wish me luck against the villainous godiva!

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